For ielts exam 2023•NEW 3-step-IMPROVE-GRAMMAR-Strategy•Band-6-8-in-first-attempt•IIWI

For ielts exam 2023•NEW 3-step-IMPROVE-GRAMMAR-Strategy•Band-6-8-in-first-attempt•IIWI

IELTS Examiners have the most comprehensive evaluation criteria for English Language Assessment. Grammar range and accuracy is one of the main 4 criteria marked for speaking & writing. It remains the biggest challenge for IELTS test-takers.
From my experience of 30 years of teaching English, I’ve collected 6 points that matter MOST in setting the right direction for IELTS Grammar Preparation. Each of these points (in both small and big ways) will clear up your mind on what you have to do and why. Additionally, I’ve shared the super-effective 3-step IIWI Grammar IELTS Preparation Strategy for sure-shot faster improvement. 

Don’t think you already know these points unless you’ve read through them. These are UPDATED points for thorough understanding of what is required. So read on, and if you still have more questions, tell me in the comments.
I’d be happy to dispel your doubts.

First, come first –

#1. What is Grammar?   -vs-  What is your Grammar? ….yes these are two different things 
Dictionary definition of the word ‘Grammar’ is: “the rules of a language, for example for forming words or joining words together in sentences”  Each language has its own grammar rules.

#2. What is your Grammar?
Your Grammar is the way in which YOU USE the rules of a language in speaking and writing.  Mind you it is “in speaking & writing” not “ in listening & reading”. This is simply because you apply Grammar rules of a language primarily when you are producing your own language (you are not producing language in listening & reading. In these two skills you listen to or read language that is produced by someone else). 

Now are you able to see that –

Listening & Reading are Receptive Skills

Speaking & Writing are Productive Skills

What does it mean?

skills of receiving the correct meaning in a language

skills of producing language with the correct meaning


Your Grammar IELTS Preparation cannot be complete if you haven’t understood the difference between receptive and productive skills in detail. (hyperlinking to next article.)

Illustration from Book: The comic English grammar – a new and facetious introduction to the English tongue (published in 1852) | From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

#3. How important is learning Grammar rules for IELTS preparation?
How is Grammar important for IELTS Speaking & Writing Sections?

Making grammatical mistakes in speaking and writing is a natural process of learning a language and this is okay. To improve Grammar in speaking and writing it is essential to study grammar rules. But this doesn’t have to be done bookishly, the way students normally do. A bookish study of grammar gives no results. 

Grammar is the foundation of any language and is important for conveying the right meaning. With correct grammar, we can say things properly. With incorrect grammar, the meaning of what we want to say may entirely change. It results in bad/incorrect communication.

#4. How is grammar tested in the IELTS exam? 

  • The IELTS exam does not have a separate grammar test.
  • All four sections of the IELTS test require that you have Basic English Grammar Correctness while you speak, write, read and listen to English.
  • You are directly tested for Grammar Range and Accuracy (GRA) in the Writing and Speaking sections.
  • Grammar range & accuracy (GRA) is 1 OF THE 4 CRITERIA for marking your English Speaking and Writing.

Here is an IELTS answer sheet. Note the 4 criteria and GRA circled in the Examiner Marking section.

#5. What is the IELTS Grammar syllabus?

  • There is no particular IELTS grammar syllabus for IELTS exam. Same will continue for IELTS exam 2023.
  • There are no grammar topic-wise – fill-ups or multiple choice questions or sentence transformation exercises that you will get in the IELTS test in any of the four IELTS test sections.
  • Mainly, your sentence construction should have grammar correctness.
    It won’t be wrong to say that your main part of IELTS Preparation (2023) is practicing grammatically correct sentence construction.

#6. What is the best way to Prepare for IELTS Grammar? What is the solution? 

Even being fluent in English may not necessarily mean that your grammatical range and accuracy is up to the mark technically for the IELTS Target Score you need. When Grammar is tested integrally, you have to find smarter advanced step-wise more modern ways of preparation.

#7. BEST IELTS Grammar Preparation 2023 Strategy.

3 Simple Easy Do-able steps

Step 1: Test Grammar Level. 5 Check links (international level – grammar – online test)                                                             
5. 2: Fill up this checklist for after taking the above Check My English Level Tests online

Step 2: Fill up this checklist after taking the above Check My English Level Tests online

IIWI Grammar IELTS Preparation 2023 Checklist is designed according to the most important grammar topics marked by IELTS Examiners. It is according to the IELTS Band-wise descriptors for grammatical range & accuracy. Don’t take it lightly just because it looks simple. It serves a very solid purpose.

In this checklist, you must write your range and accuracy in each row. Like ‘range’ and ‘accuracy’ for Determiners, and so on. If you have difficulty marking these levels on this checklist, just pick up the phone and call the IIWI IELTS Expert.  The IIWI IELTS Expert will help you fully identify the ‘frequency’ and ‘type’ of mistakes under each point on the checklist. Book a FREE IIWI IELTS Demo right now @9711198613|8929980116

Step 3 – Take FREE IELTS Mock tests available on the official website ( linking to BP1). Share results with an IIWI IELTS Expert to understand the frequency and types of mistakes you make.
Usually, students don’t bother to take feedback after the tests and make checklists. They don’t realize that skipping the ‘detailed feedback part’ keeps them in a loop of making the same mistakes over and over again.

Improving with IIWI Experts is going to put your grammar improvement in fast-track mode. You will keep gaining confidence at each step. IIWI IELTS Experts will help you identify and remove mistakes permanently. You can ask the IIWI IELTS Expert to evaluate you separately* for IELTS Speaking & IELTS Writing. This will be an eye-opener for you. Like you will discover that your speaking and writing have different grammar patterns and mistakes. 

Last but not least check out another blog post where I reveal to you the 3 grammar topics that make for 30% of grammar mistakes  acc. to the official IELTS Test Result Survey.

So make your IELTS Preparation frustration-free and effective. Confidently go for the IELTS Exam 2023 and crack it on the first attempt. It’s very much doable!

Start preparing your plan for IELTS high score grammatical range and accuracy by being clear about the following –
a) what is grammar.
b) how you use grammar.
c) what aspects of Grammar are tested by IELTS.
d) how IELTS tests grammar.
e) frequency and variety of mistakes you make.

Hope this post cleared some doubts for you.
If you have any more questions- Just write in the comments box. Better still call for a FREE DEMO.


Founder- IIWI Learning IELTS 8+ Coach, 30 yrs exp.|Author|Blogger

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